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Route Date Miles Bike Buddies Notes
Around Portland 18 Grando

Nice day to ride up and down the river side, across some bridges, and then across town to Adinah’s house. 

Philomath - Southtown 32 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Cool to start, sunny and warm by the afternoon. Hot weather coming. 

Peoria bakery 46 Grando Tenners

Rain held off but the wind picked up. Warm enough. 

Valley of the Giants 25 Ravn MVBC Gravel riders

Great ride, but too punishing for me. 

Jefferson 55 Grando Tenners

The perfect day! Mid 70’s, light wind. 

Big Creek 22 Ravn

Camped at Washburn in RV. Warm and sunny inland. 

Imagine 30 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Sunny and warm! Extra ride our Riverside to Liz’s house. 

Tweed ride 16 Armstrong Tweed riders

Cooler than yesterday and a little windy, but dry. Good turnout. 

Bellfountain Park 48 Grando Tenners

Finally a spring day. 65 degrees with a little sun and not much wind. 

Decker 38 Grando Tenners

Nice day. Decker was hard. I’m really out of shape. 

Around town 20 Soma Saga

A little warmer and dry. 

Imagine 15 Soma Saga Tuesday group

It was supposed to stop raining but it didn’t until I got home. 

Thompson Mills 50 Grando Tenners

Switched to kilometers for my birthday ride. Nice enough day in that it didn’t rain. 

Philomath 22 Grando

Waited until 2:00 for the rain to stop. Then there was a little sun, but also some wind. 

Imagine 20 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Cold and drizzle. Not enough to get ready wet, but sunshine sure would be better. 

DeArmond gravel loop 36 Ravn

Dry but cloudy and not quite warm enough. 

Around town 16 Soma Saga

Sunny and warm to start but got caught in a shower before I made it home. 

Philomath 30 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Another sunny day. It won’t last. 

Albany 42 Grando Tenners

Very nice day. Started cool and foggy but the sun won. 

Wiles DeArmond 43 Ravn

Gravel loop. Gorgeous day. Mid 50s and sunny is warm enough. 

Country Road 38 Grando

Nice day for a meander out in the flats and around town. 

Imagine 23 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Cold cold but not raining 

Imagine 14 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Better day for riding today. 

South Town 24 Soma Saga

The snow melted, the sun came out, and I went for a ride. 

Philomath 27 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Tuesday ride on Monday. Warm and dry. Rain expected tomorrow. 

DeArmond gravel loop 35 Grando Ann, Trevor

Started on the Tenners ride and pulled off at Camp Adair. Colder than yesterday, but still dry. 

Kiger Island 35 Soma Saga Tuesday group plus Lori and Patti

Turned into a beautiful day. Especially considering it snowed on Tuesday and got frigid on Wednesday. Lunch at 3 Spirits   

Philomath 41 Grando Tenners

It was sunny to start but a big cloud bank hanging ove the valley. The ride was to Thompson Mills but I pulled out early with Ann and into the cold north wind back to town, where it was sunny. Then solo to Philomath sunny the whole way. 

Kiger Island 31 Soma Saga Brent, Becky, Dave, John

Brent said let’s ride so we did. Nice day as the clouds gave way to sunshine. 

Dimple Hill 20 Ravn

Waited for the fog to lift and enjoyed a nice sunny ride up Oak Creek and down Jackson. Did Upper Horse and Lower Dan’s

Albany 42 Grando Tenners

Cloudy but warmer with no rain. 

Jackson Creek 14 Ravn

Up to where the 610 road is closed. Then Horse trail, Connector, and Lower Dans. 

Imagine 22 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Very cold but dry with a little sun. 

Peoria Park 35 Grando Tenners

Sun at the start, rain at the end. 

Imagine 15 Soma Saga

Nine riders braved the freezing fog. 

Philomath 20 Soma Saga

Missed 2 rides due to cold and rain. No rain today. Waited until it hit 40 before I started. 

Oak Creek 22 Ravn

Up Oak Creek to the McCullach peak turn off. Then back down and through Bald Hill park. Some sunshine. 

Bike Indy 26 Grando Nelson, Rick, and others

Did the gravel route which was all mud. Rain on and off. 

Peoria Road 30 Grando Rick

Then Tangent Oakville Church Green Valley Lindsay McLagen Tangent Peoria. 
Warmer and no rain. 

Imagine 20 Soma Saga Tuesday group

Managed to avoid the rain.