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Big Elk CG to Beachside SP

Eileen, Eric, Karen, Peter, Rick, Sean

Day 2 - Coast Range Gravel Adventure

Woke up to a light mist but happily the tents were not wet. Plenty of time for breakfast and pictures before setting off on Hilltop Road. Soon it was clear and sunny and it would be a warm day. Hilltop is a long hard climb, but never brutal. I did not have to walk any of it. The downhill is on gravel which was never loose altough threre was once section that was a little chunky. The ride down North Beaver Creek was long and tiring. Once it was following the creek it was no longer all downhill, but the typical ups and downs when following a river or creek.

It was foggy at the coast and a lot cooler. Eric's wife was there to take Eric, Sean and Karen back to Corvallis. So now it was just 4 of us. We headed to Seal Rock and found a coffee shop. After that I drove ahead to Beachside SP and was able to get spot 32 which has more room for tents. The riders showed up soon after. Rick got some firewood and we had a pleasant evening.