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Bike riding

Bike riding blog posts

Ravn Multimodal

The many faces of my Rawland Ravn

This bike is very versatile. I got this bike primarily for gravel road touring but I also wanted to be able to do unloaded rides in the woods and trails locally. I've played around with a lot of different configurations trying to find the ideal setup. It handles them all very well.

Rawland Ravn

New bike naked. As light and free as it would get.

Coffeeneuring 2017


Coffeneuring is a thing that happens in the fall where people ride their bikes to coffee shops. The "neuring" part comes from Randonneuring where people ride their bikes for hundreds of miles, sometimes for days on end, stopping only for a quick bite to eat. Coffeeneuring is not like that. Rides can be any distance and done at any pace. You just have to stop and have coffee/tea/other along the way. So here are some of the coffeneuring rides I did this fall.

Best of 2016 Touring

My first full year of retirement allowed me to do lots of bike touring. I rode 7,110 total miles for the year, which is an all time personal best. I got to ride through a lot of beautiful and interesting places, met lots of new friends, and reconnected with lots of old friends. Looking forward to a lot more of the same in 2017

Ride Goals 2017

Winter - I've got my plane tickets and my bike is half in the box. New Zealand Feb 1 - Mar 20 . It's a go.

Spring - Coast Range gravel gliding.  Hopefully a 200k brevet. Maybe a short trip through the Cascades to conincide with McKenzie pass care free days.

Summer - I may pass on the MVBC Loop Tour this year as I just did most of that route laste fall. Instead I may head up to B.C. and then east to Jasper, and then south to Banff, and back in the US at Glacier. I could take the train home from Montrana.

Soma Saga - 10,000 mile review

With 4 tours covering a good deal of Oregon and Washington, 3 years of commuting all winter, plus numerous overnight tours and day rides, the Soma Saga has been a solid, dependable, and fun ride. This page has the original specs and a picture when it was new. I think I did the first two tours with the Jandd Extreme front rack, but then opted for the Tubus Tara low rider. I've changed the saddle a few times, most recently to a Selle Anatomica X series. The original set of Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires got 6,500 miles without a flat.