Some of you might have seen Linda's post on Facebook that her mother passed away last Friday. What you might not know was that Linda was her mother's full time care provider for the past 3+ years. During this time Linda was steadfast in her resolve that her mother would not die in a nursing home. Even when she lost her hearing shortly after moving in with us and could no longer have a conversation. Even when she could no longer stand and had to be lifted from her bed to her wheel chair. Linda still took her out in the car, to Lithia Park on sunny days, or to the Indian Casino where she loved to play the slot machines. Linda taught me the true meaning of devotion. She gave up a lot, including her career as a Midwife, but she succeeded in giving her mother the best last years anyone could ever hope for, including having time to get to know here great granddaughter JJ. We should all be so lucky to have someone love us this much.
Linda and her mother Sue Stauff