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Jeff Busby Campground

Soma Saga

Day 26 - NTP day 4

I knew I was looking at a shorter day so I lazed around and didn’t get out until 9:30, after walking across the road to a store to get some drinks. 
It was sunny with some high hazy clouds. Definitely more humid. It finally clouded over in the afternoon, but still hot. 
Traffic was very light on a Sunday morning. Riding was quite mellow. Still mostly flat with gradual hills, but I could see they were increasing. 
The big event of the day was rolling over 1,000 miles from St. Augustine. But just as I was getting ready to celebrate here came the biggest hill of the tour so far. A serious hill, worthy of an Oregon ride. I had to drop to my little chainring and suffer. So least I start thinking I must be strong to ride a thousand miles, here comes a hill to smack me back down. 
Got to the campground nice and early. Got my hammock up and had a good hang, and got my tent pitched before the, so far, two minute light shower.