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Political blog posts

Bringing it all back home

When the World Wide Web was in its infancy we were all very idealistic about how it would be used. Most of the early sites were universities and for a while academia ruled. Tim Berners-Lee of course was an academic and envisioned the web as an information management system. When I brought up the first web server at Southern Oregon University the earliest content was from professors posting their research papers.

It's different this time around

 I'm noticing that many of us are reacting to another Trump presidency about the same as we did the first time. Resistance best describes it. We keep calling out the lies, the incompetence, the meanness, hoping that, magically, enough people are going to wake up, and rise up, and somehow keep this country, and the world, from going over the cliff it is currently speeding towards. But I'm not sure we grasp the fundamental difference between his victory this time around and that of 2016.

Fast forward to 2024

It's New Years Eve 2023. My last post was just after Joe Biden was elected president in November of 2020. I guess I've been happy enough with the way things were progressing that I haven't felt the need to write anything. I suppose were many things I could have written about.

Are we really that divided?

 Although Joe Biden came out on top the election was much closer than anyone had imagined. Democrats could not imagine that so many people would be willing to overlook Trump's racism, his lies, and his handling of the corona virus to ever vote for the man. Yet close to half of the country did.  It seems this country is hopelessly divided with little chance of finding common ground. Is this really true? It certainly is if you listen to the political rhetoric. Republicans think Democrats are all radical leftists who want to take their money and give it to immigrants.

When the truth is found to be lies ...

... and all the joy within you dies. It was 1967 when Grace Slick belted out those lyrics. 1967 certainly was a pivotal year for me. My first daughter was born in April and 4 months later I packed up our young family and left our home town of Long Beach, NY and headed for the sunny shores of San Diego. I don't think I was fully aware of just how deep those lies ran for at least another year or so but when it hit home, it hit hard. Growing up in the 1950s we were all feed this beautiful fantasy about America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

He's using a Jedi Mind Trick

Psychological manipulation is rampant in social media, we see it all the time, but the ultimate master at this game is none other than the tweeter-in-chief Donald Trump. Take for example this one innocuous sounding tweet "It's okay to say Merry Christmas now". Well of course you think. That sounds totally reasonable. Why shouldn't it be okay to say Merry Christmas? Wait, you mean it wasn't okay before to say Merry Christmas? I didn't know that? So you check it out and soon discover there was a "war on Christmas" led by those godless liberal thought police. Oh no you think.