Long Valley Loop
Dark Hollow - Adams Road.
Dark Hollow - Adams Road.
Morning Mt. Bilke
Jacksonvill to GP
I was slow. Ran into McGraws pn the ride.
Didn't need lights until 11:00. The moon wasn't much help.
Made it before thunderheads moved in.
a.k.a triple challenge. Great ride. Cloudy all the way up to Greensprings and then sunny and cool on top.
Umpqua Velos
Prep for MLC
Jville to Ruch to Buncum then over
Adams road
To Jacksonville back over DH and Adams road
Down Hitt rd.
Very hot. I got dehydrated on Table Mountain
Long loop
It was sunny and hot on the way up but cool on top with snow still under the trees.
Out to Buckhorn and then to Phoenix. Didn't go the whole way to J'ville.
Our first ride with the Siskiyou Velos.
First up Callahans then past Jacksonville